27 Feb Get your digital marketing into shape for 2017 by Joseph Ashford
Do you want to get your digital marketing into shape for 2017? We sat down with our marketing guru Joseph Ashford to get his insights on how small businesses like yours can get onto the marketing ladder and increase profit.
2017 marketing tips
With years of experience in direct line marketing, Joe Ashford knows a thing or two about how to market effectively. “It is not enough to just wait for business to come in through the door as the rise of the digital age has led to increased competition in all fields and sectors,” quoted our marketing advisor Joseph Ashford.
So you are probably wondering “How do I get ahead with my marketing plan?” – easy keep reading for excellent tips from Joseph Ashford. We offer all of this for free! No other marketing guru on the internet offers such great guidelines and insight for free. So pay close attention as we will go into further detail now.
Great digital marketing inspiration can be found here. Many companies started off small and then expanded due to their efforts within the digital media sphere. You can take great inspiration from these businesses.
Responsive website 
If you have been following our blog posts with our marketing leader Joe Ashford’s wonderful expertise and advice, you are probably aware that a website is ESSENTIAL for businesses nowadays. “I cannot STRESS how important a good website is to the success of your business,” echoed Joe in one of our coffee meetings.
Before you go purchasing any old website, it is important to know that not all websites are created equal. A responsive website is vital for getting your digital marketing into shape for 2017. More people are searching for websites on mobile devices than ever before, and you must ensure that your site is friendly to mobile phone users. Joseph Ashford showed us many examples of websites that were driving business away on his phone during this meet.
Video Content
Video has come a big way from the slow download speeds of yesterday. It has now become a powerful marketing tool and is only set to increase with popularity forever increasing. “You should take advantage now, and get ahead of the game while the video movement is fresh,” remarked Joe Ashford.
Videos are not just to be used for music, or those silly videos, it can be something a lot more. It can be a key component of your marketing plan. With careful thought, you can do the following with videos:
- Advertise your services
- Showcase your work
- Market your business on a different platform
Search Engine Optimisation is a magical recipe that is closely guarded by those in the industry due to its efficiency in pushing rankings up for businesses. Joseph Ashford has used SEO for many of his websites and have found the benefits are wonderful for business. You should put aside a budget of £300 upwards for a good digital marketing agency says Joe.
They will then take care of all the little bits so that you can focus on running your business. Joseph Ashford recommends that you leave this job up to the experts as taking this on your own back can be a nightmare as you will have to learn so much before you can go ahead.
Content Marketing
Content is still king, but it has taken on another guise says Joseph Ashford. You cannot just spam things like people used to do in the old days. Content has to be smarter, and your business’ marketing plans must go with that flow as well. Longer content and quality words are some of the key ideas that a business must employ with their digital marketing plans. Inspiration for content marketing strategies can be found here.
Ever wondered how you can get in touch with visitors to your website who haven’t used your service? Then you will need to read up on remarketing. Put very simply – it is used mostly in AdWords campaigns and looks at grabbing fleeting visitors. Joe Ashford has extensive experience in AdWords and has seen for himself the superb results that this marketing method can bring to a campaign.
Final words
The meeting with Joseph Ashford had to come to a close as usual as there are only so many coffees you can consume in one sitting. Before we shot off to write these notes, we asked Joseph Ashford to give us some parting words for our dedicated readers.
“Hard work is vital but keeping up to speed with the latest marketing developments is also important. You must ensure that you get on board with the latest technologies before they come oversaturated with every Tom, Dick and Harry trying to make a buck. It is wise to keep one foot in the past and a foot and an eye in the future.”